
The Storytelling Symposium

Storytelling Symposium 2024

Present your Knowledge!

The Storytelling Symposium is a yearly online conference focusing on storytelling and narrative methods for sharing knowledge. This year’s Event focuses on presenting complex data and research results with an emphasis on comprehensive, scientifically supported and innovative formats. 

Organized from Hamburg, Germany, by Dr. Anja Timmermann (founder) and Anna Momber (co-host of the 2024 event), this four-day online event will bring together experts, researchers, and professionals around narrative communication techniques.

Short Profile

Event Dates: November 12-15, 2024

Format: Virtual conference in English 

2024 Theme: "Present your Knowledge!"

Speakers: 19 Experts in narrative methods

Formats: Keynotes, Expert Sessions and Panels

Target Audience: Researchers, experts and professionals across disciplines

Focus: Proven and innovative narrative methods for sharing knowledge

Ticket price: 247,00 Euro


Storytelling is — and has always been — the essential tool for knowledge sharing, community building and leadership. And beyond that, it forms a universal framework of thought that we can hardly escape.

We are seeking to find, generate and present the best ways for sharing knowledge, making sense of our world and shape the future through eloquent writing, speaking and acting. 

We believe that storytelling has the power to inspire people to action, transform lives and to build understanding across cultures. Stories follow universal principles and belong to everyone, no matter their background.

We understand it as our mission to make narrative methods and competencies accessible and engaging to more people, in more places.

You are very much needed as a knowledge carrier and storyteller. We want to encourage you to take your place in the circle of storytellers and make your contribution to the discourse of society.

Guiding Principles

  1. Community: Storytelling is an essential human tool which aims at survival and betterment through learning, community building and leadership.

  2. Spirit of exploration: Great storytelling is committed to the truth. Therefore, it starts with observing anything with an open mind. 

  3. Leadership: To realize the story, and thus the change, a storyteller is needed who communicates the vision, calls to action and supervises the activities that lead to the accomplishment of the task.

That’s us

Founders and Organizers


We are uploading the 2023 interviews on Youtube, and we are also recording new interviews in English.

Check out the Storytelling Symposium Youtube Channel.

The channel is in DE/EN. Switch the language setting to your language.

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